Until now, Selmon was just a mysterious name, a hypnotic voice on songs like “Lonely” by Miksu & Macloud, Bausa and Reezy or on the hit “Stoned & Alone”, which easily reached millions of listeners. But neither a face nor a silhouette were known to the growing fanbase and so Selmon remained a mystery with the potential to become a star. And in the truest sense of the word. Because Selmon comes from another star. Meteor showers forced him to crash land on earth. The crash site was directly on the roof of the Two Sides studios in Berlin-Kreuzberg, the studio team around Bausa welcomed him with open arms, gave him a place to sleep on the couch and the opportunity to penetrate new musical dimensions. As a writer, Selmon already collaborated with Bausa, Apache207 and Loredana.